INSEAD Olam International Scholarships 2018 for Africans
INSEAD Olam International Scholarships is now open for Nationals of Sub-Saharan Africa for its 2018 MBA Scholarships. The deadline for submission of application for the INSEAD Olam International MBA Scholarships for Change Catalysts in African Markets is 25 June 2018.
Olam International is a leading agri-business operating from seed to shelf in 65 countries, supplying food and industrial raw materials to over 13,800 customers worldwide. The team of 23,000 employees has built a leadership position in many businesses including cocoa, coffee, cashew, rice and cotton. Although listed in Singapore, Olam’s roots lie in Africa where the company first began trading cashews in Nigeria 25 years ago
Today Olam has operations in 24 countries on the continent right along the agri-supply chain. This includes sourcing from smallholder farmers in Côte d’Ivoire and Ghana, a 10,000 hectare rice farm in Nigeria, palm and rubber plantations in Gabon, coffee plantations in Zambia and Tanzania, wheat milling in Senegal and packaged foods business in West and South Africa.
Olam is committed to growing responsibly and company’s ambition is to have end to end sustainable supply chains by 2020. To achieve this however Olam needs to address some of the challenges facing the next generation, such as food, water and energy security, the impact of climate change, sustainable and inclusive growth, and good governance.
To this end Olam recognises the need to foster leadership and governance in Sub Saharan Africa by supporting aspiring and capable students to pursue higher education at international centres of excellence. Through the INSEAD MBA scholarship and Olam mentoring, we hope to play our part in developing the necessary skills and knowledge in a highly talented select group of change agents. They in turn will then have the opportunity to contribute towards economic transformation and catalyse change in their community.
Two scholarships will be awarded per year and candidates for this scholarship will need to demonstrate: (a) academic achievement and promise (b) teamwork as well as personal ownership to deliver (c) leadership potential and entrepreneurial spirit (d) a commitment to contributing to their country or region at the end of the course.
The INSEAD Olam International MBA Scholarships for Change Catalysts in African Markets will be open to meritorious candidates who are nationals of Sub-Saharan Africa, regardless of their current country of residence, but who are committed to working in their home country or region. Only candidates admitted to INSEAD’s full-time MBA programme will be considered.
Amount of Award: 73 000 EUR
Essay topic : Please submit the essays under the INSEAD Africa Scholarship Group.
Application Format: Submit your application on line through the INSEAD Africa Scholarship Group.
December 2019 Class:
Round 1:
Applications Open: 23 April 2018
Deadline: 7 May 2018
Round 2:
Applications Open: 11 June 2018
Deadline: 25 June 2018