ICCS Biodiversity Fellowship Programme 2019 (Fully-funded to University of Oxford)

The call for the Interdisciplinary Centre for Conservation Science (ICCS) 2019 Biodiversity Fellowship is now open. Do you work for an NGO, government agency or business, or are you an early career researcher who could benefit from spending some time with our group? Apply!

The ICCS Biodiversity Fellows programme offers NGO, governmental, or business employees working on biodiversity conservation the chance to spend up to three months with the ICCS group at the University of Oxford, writing papers, developing ideas or writing grant proposals. The Fellow will be encouraged to take part in a range of valuable interactions with students (undergraduate and post-graduate) and potential donors. The Fellows will be encouraged to host or take part in ICCS workshops and technical events.

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ICCS will cover reasonable expenses related to travel, accommodation and training events for the duration of the programme.

ICCS Biodiversity Fellowship Eligibility

  • They are targeting people who they feel would particularly benefit from this scheme.
  • They particularly welcome applications from developing country nationals.
  • Biodiversity Fellowships are for people working outside of academia who feel that they would benefit from spending time working within the Interdisciplinary Centre for Conservation Science at Oxford university.
  • If you are a senior member of staff, who would benefit from the opportunities offered by stepping away from your NGO, government, or business environment and commitments for a short period of time, to develop new strategic approaches, write up their ideas, or build partnerships, then this scheme may be right for you.
  • Alternatively, if you are at a relatively early stage in your career, and would benefit from the academic possibilities offered by the University of Oxford and the ICCS group you are also particularly welcome to apply.
  • Particularly if you would benefit from learning new skills, analysing and writing up your datasets, and building an international network.


Click here to apply.

For more information, visit ICCS Biodiversity Fellowship.

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