
How to Write No Objection Letter for Visa Application

Getting a visa to any other country can be quite stressful. This is particularly true if you do not have a first-hand experience with visa application process. Individuals applying either for Schengen visa or any other visa will need a no objection letter from their employer before applying for the visa.


The Schengen visa, in particular, provides you with the opportunity of traveling around the EU countries as a visitor. However, the process of obtaining this type of visa is very strict and you will need to demonstrate a willingness to return to your country.

How to Write No Objection Letter for Visa Application

In other to circumvent this challenge, the No Objection Letter is all you need. To many, writing a no objection letter could be a herculean task. But in this article, you will learn how to write a no objection letter for visa application.



What is a No Objection Letter?

A NO OBJECTION LETTER is a letter issued by an employer or school/university which states that you have a contractual obligation in your home country which you will return to. In addition to their visa requirements like proofs of flight and hotel bookings, you can also submit a No Objection Letter to boost your chances of getting the Schengen visa.

The No Objection Letter is also known as a No Objection Certificate for visa or a NOC. It can be mandatory for some countries, but in most cases, it is usully optional. Even though it is optional, it is adviseable for you to submit it because it will speed up your visa processing and increase your chances of getting the visa

Types of No Objection Letter

Basically, there are two types of No Objection Letters depending on your status as an employed person or a student. They include;

  • NOC for employees
  • NOC for students

NOC for Employees

The No Objection Certificate for employees is written by the employer on behalf of the company. In this case, the employee is the person applying for a visa and the NOC is written by the employers stating that the employee has obligations at work for which he or she will return and the employee has a good financial position to afford to go to Schengen countries.

NOC for Students

The No Objection Certificate for students is written by a responsible person from the University which the students attend. The NOC for university can be written by an adviser, the head of a department or the dean of the school. The No objection letter will state that the student who is applying for a visa is enrolled in the university and will have to return to their home country to complete their degree programs. If the student is sponsored by a scholarship, the NOC format for school can also state the student is financially stable and funded by the scholarship.

How to Get a No Objection Letter from Employer or University

There are various means or ways of getting a No Objection Letter. The easiest way is to ask. If your leave has been approved, you can go to your supervisor and ask for a no letter of objection. Most at times, they will agree and have no problem with it.

If you are a student and your travel happens during university breaks or you have obtained special permission to miss classes during your travel, then you can also just ask your adviser or a person responsible at the university and they will gladly write if for you.

Most at times, employees do not tell their employers or universities that they are applying for a visa. Most people prefer to first get the visa before obtaining their leave from work or get permission from the university. This makes it a bit difficult to get a NOC.

For employees who want to obtain a NOC, you must, first of all, have a leave approval letter from employer for visa purposes. This is a bit tricky, but if you have already booked a flight and hotel, you certainly know the tentative dates of your travel and can submit a leave request. After this, you can go ahead and request a letter of objection from your employer.

If you work for a big organization where hierarchy is very important, and you cannot just meet your manager or CEO requesting for it, you can go through your company’s Human Resource Manager.

How to Write No Objection Letter for Visa Application

The format for writing a No Objection Letter is quite simple. It does not have to be long or complicated, but must be concise containing all the messages that the company or the university does not have any objections to their employer or a student getting a Schengen visa to travel. The informs the embassy consul that the company or university trusts that you will return to complete your obligations.

A simple NOC must include the following elements:

  • Date of writing the letter
  • Address of the Visa Application Center in your country
  • Name of employee/student
  • Name of supervisor/academic adviser
  • Address and contact information of supervisor/academic adviser
  • Paragraph stating that the company or university has no objections to the travel

What information should a No Objection Certificate contain?

The letter of objection should contain some very specific information, in order for it to be valid. Following, find out more in this regard:

Details about the company/university

If you are writing a NOC letter for an employee or student, then the letter should contain the following information about you and the university or company where the visa candidate is employed/enrolled:

  • Name and Surname
  • Position at the company/university
  • Company / University address
  • Phone number
  • Email
  • Signature

Details about the visa candidate

If the visa candidate is an employee:

  • Name and surname
  • ID Number
  • Position at work
  • Duration of employment at the embassy
  • Annual salary
  • Leave dates

If the visa candidate is a student:

  • Name and surname
  • ID Number
  • Field of study / Department
  • Year of enrollment
  • Leave dates

A sample of a No Objection Letters / Certificate

Taking all this information into account, below are two samples of No Objection Letters for employees and students.

Sample No Objection Letter from Employer

[Enter Date] [Enter Address for the Visa Application Center]

Re: No Objection Letter

Dear Sir/Madam

This letter is in reference to Mr. X, who has been working at company XYZ since January 1st, 2005. Mr. X has impeccable work ethic and for the work he does, he is compensated with $80,000 per year as his salary.

On behalf of company XYZ and as Mr. X’s supervisor, we have no objection to Mr. X getting a Schengen Visa to travel during his approved leave at work. We also validate that Mr. X is able to financially support himself during the travel with his compensation package at our company. Attached is the proof of Mr. X annual income.

If you have any other inquiries, please feel free to contact me via my email or phone number detailed below.


[Signature] [Name of supervisor writing the letter] [Position of supervisor at the company] [Address of company] [Phone number of supervisor writing the letter] [Email of supervisor writing the letter

Sample No Objection Letter from University

[Enter Date] [Enter Address for the Visa Application Center]

Re: No Objection Letter

Dear Sir/Madam

This letter is in reference to Ms. Y, with ID Number 1234567 who has been a student at the University of XYZ since September 1st, 2016. Ms. Y is studying Chemical Engineering and her academic achievements are excellent. For these achievements, she is also funded by a scholarship from the university which covers her university and living expenses.

On behalf of the University of XYZ and as Ms. Y’s academic adviser, we have no objection to Ms. Y getting a Schengen Visa to travel during her approved university break. We also validate that Ms. Y is able to financially support herself during the travel with her scholarship funds. Attached is the proof of Ms. Y annual income.

If you have any other inquiries, please feel free to contact me via my email or phone number detailed below


[Signature] [Name of academic adviser writing the letter] [Position of adviser at the university] [Address of university] [Phone number of adviser writing the letter] [Email of adviser writing the letter]

Where to submit a Letter of No Objection

A No Objection Letter for a visa should be submitted at the embassy/consulate visa application center of the country the visa candidate wishes to visit. The letter should be submitted alongside other required documents.

Bear in mind that the required documents for visa application should all be submitted together, on the day of your interview. Failure to do so, your visa application might be rejected.


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