
Eastern Partnership Civil Society Fellowship Program 2019

Are you are a young civil society activist from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova or Ukraine with new ideas for improving your community or country and you are looking for opportunities to improve your leadership skill? Apply for the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Fellowship Program 2019.


Through the Fellowship Program, the EU is investing in the development of young civic activists or civically minded individuals from the region, who display an interest and ability for taking up leadership roles in their countries. Developing leadership capacities and skills of future civil society leaders is one of the commitments made by the European Union in its policy on achieving ’20 Deliverables for 2020. Focusing on key priorities and tangible results’.



Benefits of the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Fellowship Program

  • The fellows have a unique opportunity to take part in trainings and other capacity building activities, as well as implement individual projects of up to EUR 5,000;
  •  In addition, the fellows become part of an international network of like-minded individuals and have the opportunity to attend various high-level meetings and interact with decision-makers in their countries, as well as those from the EU institutions.

Eastern Partnership Civil Society Fellowship  Eligibility

  • Applicants should be a young CSO activist/ junior CSO professional who is affiliated with a civil society organisation or have significant experience volunteering or seeking to address problems in the lives of their communities;
  • Be a natural person;
  • Be a national and/or a resident of one of the Eastern Partnership countries (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine);
  • Be between 18 and 36 years old;
  • Have a proven track record of working in a CSO or taking a leading role in their communities in one form or another.

How to Apply for Eastern Partnership Civil Society Fellowship

Before applying, you need to do the following:

Fill in the application form via the online application system or send your application by email (Annex A- 2019 Fellowship Application Form) to

For more information, visit EaP.

Application Deadline: January 31, 2019

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