
Nursing Training College Admission Deadline 2023/2024

Nursing Training College Application Deadline 2023/2024 – Nursing Training College Admission Closing Date- 2023/2024… Closing Date for Nursing Training College Admission for 2023/2024.


Closing Date for Nursing Training College Admission

Do You want to know when the 2023 Nursing Training College Admission Application will stop/end? Nursing Training College Admission Registration Forms Closing Date? The Nursing Training College has not officially announced the date for the Online Admission Application form for the 2023/2024 academic year.


The 2023 Nursing Training College Admission Application Closing date has been scheduled as follows:-


Note – Once the Nursing Training College Admission Application Portal is closed, new applications will not be submitted. So register now while the Nursing Training College applications are still ongoing.

Good Luck.


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  1. Please I had D7 in science, biology, English
    Would I still get admission in the community nursing
    Pls just reply on 0557194953

  2. Please I did my SHS exam in Nigeria, hope I can I apply for nursing form, and my English was cancelled, C6 maths, B3 in phy, F9 in chemistry, C6 in Economics, D7 in Biology . Please hope I can apply for community nursing, or nursing, midwifery.
    Please if yes , please reply me
    0576983380, [email protected]

  3. Please I had
    C4 in English,
    B3 in foods and nutrition,
    B2 in French,
    C4 in MIL,
    D7 in biology,
    B3 in social,
    D7 in science and
    F9 in maths can I still apply??

  4. Please i had D7 in mathematics and Science can I get admission to offer the general clinical nursing assistant

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