
Canon Collins Trust Commonwealth Scholarships 2020/2021 for Masters and PhD

Applications are open for the Canon Collins Trust Commonwealth Scholarships 2020/2021.


Canon Collins Trust acts as a nominating agency for Commonwealth Scholarships. We annually nominate 14 individuals for fully-funded Commonwealth Scholarships for Master’s or PhD study at any UK university.


Eligibility: Eligibility criteria for Commonwealth Master’s Scholarships

To apply for this scholarship through Canon Collins Trust you must:

  • Be a national of, or have refugee status, and  be permanently resident in one of the following countries: Botswana, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Swaziland, Zambia
  • Be in possession of a good first degree (minimum second class, upper division or equivalent) or about to graduate in the year of application
  • Be applying for a full-time masters at a UK university
  • Be unable to afford to study in the UK without this scholarship
  • Have provided all supporting documentation in the required format. Applications with any outstanding documents or reference letters will not be considered!

For full eligibility criteria please see the Commonwealth Master’s scholarships terms and conditions

Eligibility criteria for Commonwealth PhD Scholarships

To apply for this scholarship through Canon Collins Trust you must:

  • Be a national of, or have refugee status, and  be permanently resident in one of the following countries: Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique or Zambia
  • By October 2020, hold a first degree of at least upper second class (2:1) honours standard, or a second class (2:2) degree and a relevant postgraduate qualification (a Master’s degree)
  • Not be registered for a PhD at a UK university, or in your home country or elsewhere
  • Have the support of a potential supervisor from at least one UK university listed in your application form
  • Be unable to afford to study in the UK without this scholarship
  • Have provided all supporting documentation in the required format. Applications with any outstanding documents or reference letters will not be considered!

Field(s) of Study: In 2019 scholarships are offered under six development themes and all candidates must apply under one of these themes:

  • Science and technology for development
  • Strengthening health systems and capacity
  • Promoting global prosperity
  • Strengthening global peace, security and governance
  • Strengthening resilience and response to crises
  • Access, inclusion and opportunity

Duration of Scholarships: 12 months for Masters and up to 36 months for PhD

Value of Scholarships

Each scholarship provides:

  • Approved airfare from your home country to the UK and return at the end of your award (the CSC will not reimburse the cost of fares for dependants, nor usually the cost of journeys made before your award is finally confirmed)
  • Approved tuition and examination fees
  • Stipend (living allowance)
  • Thesis grant towards the cost of preparing a thesis or dissertation, where applicable
  • Warm clothing allowance, where applicable
  • Study travel grant towards the costs of study-related travel within the UK or overseas
  • For PhD Scholars, fieldwork grant towards the cost of fieldwork undertaken overseas (usually the cost of one economy class return airfare to your fieldwork location), where approved
  • For PhD Scholars, paid mid-term visit (airfare) to your home country (unless you have claimed (or intend to claim) spouse and/or child allowances during your scholarship, or have received a return airfare to your home country for fieldwork)
  • Family allowances

How to Apply for Canon Collins Trust Commonwealth Scholarships

This scholarship is now open for applications. All applications must be submitted via the CSC online application system available here.

Your application must include all supporting documentation, including all reference letters, by 16:00 (GMT) on 20 November 2019 in order for your application to be eligible for consideration.

For more information, visit the Canon Collins Trust Commonwealth Scholarships.

Application Deadline: 30th October 2019 16:00 (GMT)


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