12th Congregation of Kumasi Technical University 2017

12th Congregation of Kumasi Technical University 2017

12th Congregation of Kumasi Technical University 2017

It is announced for the information of Kumasi Technical University alumni, parents and the general public that the 12th Congregation of Kumasi Technical University for the award of Bachelor of Technology and Higher National Diploma (HND) to persons who completed their programmes of study in 2016 is coming off on Saturday, 14th October, 2017 at 9:00am at the Volley Ball Court of the University.

Graduands who wish to be presented should pay a non-refundable fee as follows:

BTech, HND and Professional Diplomas      –            GHC 250.00
Diplomas                                                  –            GHC 200.00

Graduands should pay at the Cash Office/Zenith Bank Branches and then register at the Academic Affairs with the following information:

A. Name of Graduand
B. Programme pursued
C. Current address
D. Telephone number
E. Receipt number

Graduands wishing to be presented are required to attend a rehearsal at the New Great Hall on 12th and 13th October, 2017 at 2:30pm.

Graduands are expected to collect their Academic Gowns at their various departments.


  • Deadline: Graduands are to pay their Congregation Fee not later than Thursday, 12th October 2017.
  • Graduands who do not attend the rehearsals will not be presented at the ceremony.
  • Graduands will be expected to make their own arrangements for accommodation.
  • Graduands who are unable to attend the congregation shall be required to pay the same amount when they come for their certificates.
  • Graduands can pickup their certificates at the various departments immediately after the  programme.

All interested photographers should be accredited by the University before Thursday, 12th October, 2017. Interested persons should contact Publications Unit on the following numbers: 0271882111, 0270 314 540.

The general public is cordially invited.

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