
USAID Digital Agriculture Photo Contest 2018 | Prizes up to $1000

Entries are invited for theĀ USAID Digital Agriculture Photo Contest 2018. Send in your best photos of digital agriculture technologies in action for your chance to win cash prizes. Digital Development for Feed the Future (D2FTF) leverages digital tools holistically and according to best practice to improve the cost effectiveness and development results of the U.S. Governmentā€™s Feed the Future Initiative.


USAID Digital Agriculture Photo Contest

As part of their mission, they seek to recognize those who are utilizing digital tools to improve farming practices and accelerate the fight against poverty. Help them tell the story of digital agriculture technologies and how theyā€™re working to advance food security and nutrition across the globe by joining this photo contest.

Accepted photos will be featured on Feed the Futureā€™sĀ FlickrĀ for the public to view and vote on. Winners will be announced and featured on USAID and Feed the Future blog and social media platforms.



  • $500 ā€“ First place
  • $300 ā€“ Second place
  • $200 ā€“ Third place


  • The contest is open to anyone
  • All images must meet the theme of ā€œdigital agricultureā€
  • Photos with a time stamp or logo will not be considered

Submission Requirements

  • High-resolution, high quality photos that areĀ at least 1024 pixels or larger (tall or wide) or around 300 pixels per inch. Please send the highest resolution version of the photo you have (at least 1 MB). If you are using Photoshop, please send only level 7 or higher compressed photos.
  • Accepted formats: high quality JPG and PNG
  • Only 2 photos per contestant will be accepted; if you submit more than 2, photo contest administrators will choose 2 for you
  • Photos must each be anĀ original submissionĀ (submitted by photographer or with permission)
  • PhotosĀ mustĀ each include aĀ credit: name of photographer, and names of any people featured in the photograph.
  • Photos must include a robustĀ caption,Ā which includes a description of what is going on in the photo, who is involved, where and when it was taken (country tag is especially important), and what digital tools are being showcased. 250 words or less.


Submit your photo as an attachment toĀ [email protected]Ā by April 16, 2018

For more information, visitĀ USAID Digital Agriculture Photo Contest.


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