
UPSA Virtual Learning Platform –

Are you a student at the University of Professional Studies, Accra (UPSA)? Do you want to access the UPSA virtual learning platform? Then you’re at the right place.


UPSA Virtual Learning Platform

The UPSA e-learning platform is open for registered students of the institution to access learning materials online. You might want to ask what is e-learning?



What is eLearning?

eLearning, or electronic learning, is the delivery of learning and training through digital resources. Although eLearning is based on formalized learning, it is provided through electronic devices such as computers, tablets and even cellular phones that are connected to the internet. This makes it easy for users to learn anytime, anywhere, with few, if any, restrictions.

Basically, eLearning is training, learning, or education delivered online through a computer or any other digital device.

How to Access UPSA Virtual Learning Platform

All students are required to use their student email (UPSAmail) account as the official channel for email communication. Thus, the link to activate UPSA-Virtual which is the University’s platform for online teaching and learning can only be accessed through your UPSAMAIL.

To successfully use UPSAmail and UPSA-Virtual you must do the following:

1. Complete your course registration for the semester

2. Activate your UPSAmail

3. Change your UPSAmail default password to a suitable password of your choice

4. Set up your UPSAmail password recovery with your Mobile Phone Number

5. Activate UPSA-Virtual

6. Reset your UPSA-Virtual password as and when necessary

Accessing UPSA-Virtual

The web address (URL) to UPSA-Virtual is However, accessing UPSA-Virtual for the first time requires that you activate your UPSA-Virtual account by accessing a link from your UPSAmail.

How to Activate your UPSA-Virtual account (First-Time Login)

1. Open your UPSAmail
2. You will find a link to UPSA-Virtual in your mail
3. Click on the link and follow the instruction in your mail to access UPSA-Virtual
4. Follow the instructions to change your password. (It will be your new password for
subsequent logins)

IMPORTANT NOTE: Temporary Password
In case your temporary password does not work, or you did not find the link at all, follow the instruction in SECTION C3 to obtain a link in your UPSAmail.

How to Log in to UPSA-Virtual (After activation or first-time login)

1. Visit

2. Enter your index number (e.g. 100230343) in the username textbox

3. Enter your current password

4. Click on the ‘Log in’ button to log in

IMPORTANT NOTE: “Invalid Login” Error Message
If you see the error message “invalid login” when you attempt to log in, it means the
username (student ID) or the password you have provided is wrong. You can retry by
entering the correct username (student ID) and password. If you are still not successful
after retries, follow the steps under SECTION C3 below to reset your password.

How to reset your password

1. Visit and click on the ‘Forgotten username or password’ link

2. Enter only your index number in the username textbook.

3. If you entered your index number correctly, an email with a link to reset your password will be sent to your UPSAmail by the notification as it appears in the image below.

4. Log in to your UPSAmail

5. Access the mail with the subject “UPSA E-Learning Platform: Password reset request”

6. Follow the instructions in the mail to reset your password


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