University of Ghana Mode Teaching & Learning 2020/2021

The University of Ghana has published the learning and teaching mode for the 2020/2021 academic year.

University of Ghana Mode Teaching & Learning

Following the President’s directive for all tertiary institutions to resume studies in January 2021, the University has published its final 2020-2021 academic calendar for graduate, undergraduate and distance students.

The mode of teaching and learning remains same as approved by the University’s Business and Executive Committee (BEC) during its 1Oth September 2020 meeting, and announced on 11th September by a circular from the Registrar. We are reminded of the arrangements as follows:

Modular system for Teaching and Learning for Undergraduate Students

Teaching and learning will be delivered through a modular mode of instruction for regular undergraduate students. Consequently, the regular teaching period of thirteen weeks with be delivered over a period of six weeks of teaching, resulting in more contact hours each week. This will be followed by a week of revision and two weeks of examinations.

Online Teaching and Learning

Teaching, learning and continuous assessments for both undergraduate and graduate students will be delivered primarily onlineContinuous assessment will constitute 50-70 of final examinations. Practical and clinical courses will be taught in the face-to-face mode, white enforcing the necessary COVID-19 safety protocols. Units Heads are expected to oversee the management of face-to-face interactions according to each Unit’specutiar needs.

The Sakai Learning Management System (LMS) will be the key medium for instruction. Teaching will be largely asynchronous. Course instructors who need to have some synchronous teaching sessions should seek permission from their Dean/Director and refer to the master teaching timetable to be provided by the Academic Affairs Directorate for available slots.

The mode of final examinations will be communicated soon.


Deans and Directors, under the supervision of Provosts, are to ensure the provision of tutorial services within their units. Peer tutoring among students should also be encouraged.

lT Preparedness

Measures have been taken to upgrade the University’s information technology (lT) infrastructure and extend our Wifi footprint. Additional storage has been procured and more access points have been deployed. Computer laboratories at UGCS, Balme Library and the various Colleges will be made available to students without appropriate technological devices.

Counselling Support

Counselling support will be available and will be provided by the Careers and Counselling Centre (CCC). CCC’s services can be accessed via the following contact details.

Phone: 0204999221 or 0245945752
Email: or

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