
University of Brighton Forward Bound Scholarships 2019/2020 for Developing Countries

Applications are open for interested and suitably qualified students from Developing Countries for the University of Brighton Forward Bound Scholarships 2019/2020 to study in the UK.



University of Brighton Forward Bound Scholarships

The Forward Bound scholarship is available to Health Promotion MSc applicants from low or lower-middle income countries. It is intended to support health and other professionals who are employed or who volunteer in roles where they will be able to influence health promotion practice and policy on their return.

Up to £25,000 is available each year to allocate to successful candidates – either as full or partial scholarship awards. A full scholarship will fund your course fees, travel costs, accommodation, visa, subsistence and health insurance for 12 months – equivalent to a cost of £25,000. Partial awards will be determined on a case by case basis.


University of Brighton Forward Bound Scholarships Eligibility

Applicants should normally be a paid health professional. In exceptional cases, applicants whose influence is through non-paid roles – for example, through voluntary agencies or through other health related work – may also be considered.

Value of Award: Up to £25,000 is available each year to allocate to successful candidates – either as full or partial scholarship awards. A full scholarship will fund your course fees, travel costs, accommodation, visa, subsistence and health insurance for 12 months – equivalent to a cost of £25,000. Partial awards will be determined on a case by case basis.

Eligible Countries: Afghanistan • Angolia • Bangladesh • Benin • Bhutan • Bolivia • Burkina Faso • Burundi • Cabo Verde • Cambodia • Cameroon • Central African Republic • Chad • Comoros • Congo, Dem Rep • Congo, Rep • Côte d’Ivoire • Djibouti • Egypt, Arab Rep • El Salvador • Eritrea • Ethiopia • Gambia, The • Georgia • Ghana• Guinea • Guinea-Bissau • Haiti • Honduras • India • Indonesia • Kenya • Kiribati • Korea, Dem Rep • Kosovo • Kyrgyz Republic • Lao PDR • Lesotho • Liberia • Madagascar • Malawi • Mali • Mauritania • Micronesia, Fed Sts • Moldova • Mongolia • Morocco • Mozambique • Myanmar • Nepal • Nicaragua • Niger • Nigeria • Pakistan • Papua New Guinea • Philippines • Rwanda • Sāo Tomé and Principe • Senegal • Sierra Leone • Solomon Islands • Somalia • South Sudan • Sri Lanka • Sudan • Swaziland • Syrian Arab Republic • Tajikistan • Tanzania• Timor-Leste • Togo • Tunisia • Uganda • Ukraine • Uzbekistan • Vanuatu • Vietnam • West Bank and Gaza • Yemen, Rep • Zambia • Zimbabwe

Applicants should normally be a paid health professional. In exceptional cases, applicants whose influence is through non-paid roles – for example, through voluntary agencies or through other health related work – may also be considered.

How to Apply for University of Brighton Forward Bound Scholarships

You can only apply for the Forward Bound scholarship once you have applied for the Health Promotion MSc which you can do online.  Please indicate that you intend to apply for the Forward Bound scholarship on your course application form.

For more information, visit the University of Brighton Forward Bound Scholarships.

Application Deadline: 14th June 2019 at 5pm.



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