
UNHCR Annual Consultations with NGOs Innovation Award 2018

The UNHCR Annual Consultations with NGOs Innovation Award is open for applications. The Award celebrates efforts and achievements that advance the innovative delivery of services to refugees and other persons of concern to UNHCR. The Award is given to NGOs from any country/territory that demonstrate commitment and creativity to achieving improved efficiency of services for forcibly displaced people.


UNHCR Annual Consultations with NGOs Innovation Award

The Award is a UNHCR Initiative. UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, is a global organization dedicated to saving lives, protecting rights and building a better future for refugees and other persons of concern.


In preparation for the UNHCR Annual Consultations with NGOs ‘Putting People First’ – to be held in Geneva 27-29 June 2018 – the tremendous work of NGOs will be highlighted through various mediums. This year they will launch the first Innovation Award to recognize and catalyse creative solutions to improve the lives of refugees, host communities and persons of concern. UNHCR believes innovation is a process of designing, experimenting, and learning and the Award aims to support and showcase NGOs working through this process.



A first prize of USD 10,000 and a second prize of USD 8,000 will be granted to two winners.

One representative of each winning NGO will be invited to an award ceremony in Geneva, Switzerland in December 2018.


  • NGOs in any country or territory are eligible.
  • UNHCR seeks applications from NGOs that would like to test new approaches, ideas or elements of a project that will increase the efficiency of delivering services to refugees and other persons of concern.
  • The Award is not looking for well-refined project plans, but projects and/or ideas that still can be adapted and made better.
  • Applications must be original ideas, with original design and approach.
  • Applications should be submitted in English.

Selection Criteria

Shortlisting will take place based on a comprehensive technical review. After shortlisting, a jury of UNHCR and NGO innovation experts will evaluate applications using the following criteria:

  • Relevance to Innovation
    • UNHCR defines innovation as a process of designing, experimenting, and learning. Innovation is a process to introduce a change and/or something new into systems. Innovation is not synonymous with the application of technology, nor does it necessarily result in the output of one specific product.
  • Commitment
    • Applications should demonstrate commitment to the priority of “putting people first” in addressing forced displacement.
    • Applications should raise awareness for refugees and other persons of concern.
    • Applications should reflect the values of UNHCR.
  • Impact
    • Applications should demonstrate how the experimentation or experimentation plan has been co-created or led by affected communities, with a focus on gender equality, inclusion, and diversity.


Click here to apply.


For more information, visit UNHCR Innovation Award.

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