
UI/UX Designer versus Frontend Developer: Which One is Better?

The similarities between the role of a UI/UX designer and Frontend developer is based on their job profile which seeks to make the user experience on the web or mobile applications very exciting. However, the difference in this occupations lies within their tasks or activities assigned to them.



Who Is A UI/UX Designer?

UI designers typically decide what the application would look like, by exploring possible colour schemes, button shapes, width and fonts used for the text, screen layout e.t.c. User experience designers, on the other hand, try to determine the level of difficulty a user faces when interacting with the user interface elements that UI designers have created.

In simple terms, a UI/UX designer is someone who is not only interested in determining how the user interface would look but also determines how the user interface operates.


Most people looking to work as UI/UX designers have to learn both aspects of user interface and user experience because many companies consider an applicant with both skills over those who know just a fraction.

Great communication skills are a must-have for designers, their daily activities require them to work with other people from different departments during product development and research. There is always an option to work remotely during office hours or in situations where a long absence from work is required.

Who Is A Frontend Developer?

Frontend developers are experts who implement web designs by using coding languages such as HTML, Javascript e.t.c.

While reading this article or as you navigate your way through our website, there is a specific layout, colour, font type and navigation toolbar specific to our website. All these and more were implemented by the frontend developer.

Frontend developers are required to work closely with the prototype designed by UI/UX designers for implementation, but in some cases, there are people who are great at both design and frontend development.

Most developers can either work from home or in their office space depending on the type of agreement they have with their employer. Starting a career as a developer is a good fit for you if you love coding and would like to help with implementing designs within the tech ecosystem

Career Opportunities For UI/UX Designers

As a UI/UX Designer, you can work in various positions within the following sectors;

  • UX Researcher: UX researchers use their research skills to gather information about the target market of a brand or product. They analyse this data to understand user preferences and behaviour, and discover trends for better user experience
  • Product Manager: This career involves managing the development of a product to its point-of-sale, including market research, advertising and media planning. Product managers must have strong analytical skills as well as be excellent persuaders. They must also be able to pitch budgets and other proposals to customers.
  • Product Designer: Product designers work closely with product managers during the development phase of a product, they mostly are involved with creating prototypes for new and existing products subject to approval by the product manager
  • Freelance UI/UX designer: most UI/UX designers these days outsource their skills on freelance websites such as Fiverr or Upwork. They sometimes work remotely within their comfort zone at flexible hours. 

Career Opportunities For Frontend Developers

The opportunity for a frontend developer is limitless because many companies both startups and multinationals are looking for skilled individuals who implement design prototypes to make their mobile and website application page appealing to users on the web. Some of the places one can work as a frontend developer include:

  • Banks
  • FinTech companies
  • Consulting firms
  • Manufacturing
  •  Oil and Gas
  • Startup companies
  • Manufacturing
  • Government agencies e.t.c

UI/UX Designer Vs. Frontend Developer, Which is Better?

All roles in for UI/UX designers or frontend developers require different skillsets and abilities to make use of certain software application for their roles in different organisations.

Asides this a good knowledge of user behaviour and trends can be useful to develop effective web or mobile app designs for different products, companies or organisations.

This skills can either be earned through internships or by being self-taught through online courses and videos. But if one is looking to continue long term, then you would have to have an up-to-date portfolio of your work and invest in a degree or online certifications related to your field and work experience for easy progression into more technical and higher roles.


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