
UEW 2nd Batch Entrance Examinations Schedule 2023/2024

UEW Mature Entrance Examinations Schedule 2023/2024 | The University of Education Winneba (UEW) 2nd Batch Entrance Examination Schedule (Date, Venue and Time) for the 2023/2024 academic year has been announced.


Following the release of the UEW admission form, the University of Education Winneba (UEW) has announced the entrance examination schedule for mature distance education applicants for the 2023/2024 academic year.

UEW Entrance Examinations Schedule

Applicants who applied for Admission into REGULAR PROGRAMMES using the MATURED ENTRY MODE option are being invited to write an Online Entrance Examination on the UEW Entrance Examination Platform as follows:

Date: Friday,10th November, 2023



  • General Aptitude Test (G.A.T.): 9:00am-11:00 am
  • Subject Area Test (S.A.T.): 1:00pm-3:00pm


  • Winneba, North Campus, Winneba
  • College of Distance and e-learning, Techiman Study Centre


  • Applicants are kindly required to come along with a valid national ID/Driver’s license card for identification.
  • Index numbers for the examinations would be sent to applicants via text messages
  • Physical Education and Special Education applicants would write the examination in Winneba ONLY.

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  1. My name is Yakubu Abdullah .I bought the matured form and I tried to login but the feedback was invalid.
    Please help .
    This my
    Pin: 2020897929058128169705140130
    Seial : 202090109375274652
    My contact is 0544089490

  2. Please I was given a message to write mature entrance exams on Friday, 7/8/2020 at 9:00 pm and on Saturday 8/8/2020 at 3:00 pm respectively and I wrote the first one as stated but today I login into my portal and there were no files in the dashboard. So help me out please.

  3. Please I tried to login for the entrance exams yesterday but the feedback I was getting is invalid login and that I couldn’t write the exams yesterday. Any help.

  4. Please lam BENEDICT I bought the distance education form for mature applicant at Kumasi campus but I haven’t receive any massage yet concerning the date and time for the entrance exam and I am yet to confirm this are my contacts 0261507713/0246568696

  5. please I went to my dashboard to write the exams today but could not find anything. and has happened twice, both in the morning and this evening too.
    my name is Fremah Cecilia
    Bachelor of Arts (English language)

    1. Fremah the paper was there just that it was complimented.. it happened to me yesterday but late found it and wrote..sorry dear

  6. My name is Yadin Ilikgnan Abraham I have not been giving massage for second session exams and if I log in my PIN and serial number it’s invalid this is my number 0553849836 and my email: [email protected]

  7. please, no questions for me to answer. i tried the other time but could not login. i therefore decided to join this time round. kindly check it for me. please

  8. Please I wrote my entrance mature exams on 17 and 18 July 2020 but I have still got message to write again on 7 August 2020, help me.

  9. Please my name is Richard Marfo Kwarfo. I applied for B.B.A (Management). I have online entrance exams this morning (7th August, 2020).
    My telephone number: 0547124499
    My Pin: 2020741019689141032673817291
    My Serial: 202046824341439235
    I have tried this morning to open the portal but still it says invalid pin and serial number.
    I had the same problem in my first paper in 17th – 18th July, 2020, that is I was not able to open. Please what should I do?

  10. My name is selina Daniel sorogo a matured applicant my name is not on the shortlisted form please help me my number is 0243211058

  11. Please i wrote my entrance exams in the first session; That was July.
    But I’ve been given a message to write the second session. Please is it a mistakenly sent message or is like that for everyone who wrote the first one?

    1. U received the text message cos u didn’t pass for first session exams. So u have been given another opportunity to write again. Good luck. Thanks

  12. Please my name is Adongo Jacob Asigma I have also applied as a mature applicant but I haven’t received any message yet for the 2nd section of the entrance exams.this is my number:0554611388

    1. 2nd batch will write their entrance exams on Friday, 7th and 8th August. That’s for regular and sandwich applicants. Thanks

    2. Please ooo I have not yet been notify whether I will take part in the exam by SMS this is my number please:0554611388

    3. Did u applied for sandwich/ regular or distance ( mature)
      Those applicants who are to write on the 7th and 8th are the regular/sandwich. However, if u applied for distance, date has not been fixed. Management will communicate to us right after the regular exams. Thanks

          1. My name was not in the first batch shortlisted and we were told we should wait for the second it is this second batch that I didn’t receive any message yet.but please can you help me with the administration line to contact them

  13. Please my name is owusu Samuel n I have applied for bsc physics through mature forms but since then I haven’t received any message yet n also I can’t log in to mi account .I was part of the first session of the exams but due to this I couldn’t able take part.please help me this is mi number 0240932858


  14. My name is Charles Dankwah
    Please i have apply for Mature, but am not yet receive any message

  15. Pls my name is Agyeman Joyce and I applied for the mature entrance exams for distance learning but I av not received any information. My numbers are 0248772268 or 0550615552. Thank you

    1. Mature entrance examination for distance learning is coming up in August, hopefully, before then you will get all the information.

    2. Mature distance applicants will write their entrance exams in August. The actual date slated for the exams will be communicated to us later . Thanks

  16. Please my name is Bright- Jackson Danquah I was supposed to write my entrance exams S.A.T on the 17th July but the network couldn’t allow me to write but I was able to write the G.A.T on the 18th July
    Please what should I do my number is 0247650112/0547246871

  17. Please my name is Adisnu Emmanuel l have also applied for mature applicant form but I have not received any message since there.the date that I have apply is 25th/04/2020.and this my number 0541492115

  18. Please my name is Francisca Tapuen Bilasim, please, l am part of the students who are writing UEW entrance examination, but l couldn’t log in for the General aptitude test. Please when will l be given the chance to write mine. Please this is my WhatsApp number 0240984464

    1. *The Second Entrance Examinations For The Next Batch Of Mature Regular And Sandwich Is After 31st July, 2020, And The distance Session Is Also Slated For August, 2020.* Those who for one or two reasons could not sit either a paper or both would be given the opportunity to join the second batch.

  19. I’m Felix Adjei l was to write the entrance exams at12:00pm-1:00pm. but l try to log in l couldn’t, please how can you help me ?

  20. Please my number is 0557606079, I have also applied for mature applicant but I have not received any massage and I have problem on my email address how can I get my indix number.

    1. Please my number is 0551192615 and I have also applied for mature exams but I have not received any information and I have problem on my email address ,how can I get my index number.

  21. Mary sackitey
    I have applied for the matured distance education but I haven’t received any information if I can write the exams or not. please help me.

  22. Please I’m Billy Martha. I have apply for mature applicant but I haven’t receive massage yet,please this is my contact 0242628689.Catering and hospitality

  23. I Amoah Kofi Godfred am to the mature entrance exams and let don’t have access to the Internet, how am I going write this exams.

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