
UCC Student Portal –

University Of Cape Coast, UCC Student Portal | UCC Online Student Portal Login / Registration for the fresh and stale student.

 UCC Student Portal student portal: The Authority of the University of Cape Coast (UCC) has enabled the student portal. The Online Portal created for formal Students of the University of Cape Coast (UCC) to create an account or log to perform certain academic actions at ease e.g. Course Registration.


You can visit and Access the UCC Student Portal using a computer or mobile via the following link:


Any students/applicant who has any challenges relating to admission letters, registration numbers and accessing the students’ portal should contact these numbers for assistance:



Calls should be between 8:00a.m. – 4:30p.m. GMT from Mondays to Fridays.


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  1. Please may I know if the school authorities do have access to all these complaints and rectify them?
    Because I also have a serious problem with CoDE UCC.My wife completed with DBE but could not receive her certificate as of now. She went to the school in November and she was promised to hear from them in a week’s time but as at now they telling as her score sheet is missing and some long process.

  2. My name is Dorvi seyram am a distance student who had an accident when I was at level 200 due to some issues regarding my family …I was nor allowed to tell anyone that am schooling and last month I got discard by the hospital and I return to my school premises were we use to go to lectures but to my notice no one was there ….so I wish I could get any help from here

  3. Please am Lydia Donkoh ,a student of ucc coDE center Agona Swedru (swesco),I wrote measurement n evaluation n I got resit ,I registered n wrote it but when the results came I had IC I don’t know why ,please I want to ask the reason I got IC,because the graduation list will be in very soon My index number is DPF/CR/04/16/0063 please I need your help thank u

  4. Please am a student of ucc coDE Agona Swedru (swesco).I am now doing my serivce ,I wrote measurement and evaluation end of semester and I got refer ,I registered and wrote it but when the results came I had IC and I don’t know the reason for getting IC .please I want to know why because I heard the graduation list will be in very soon ,please I need your help .thank you

  5. Please am Patience Dick-Hockman a level 400 Bcom marketing student at kpoly study center I registered and wrote quizzes and end of semester exams for Event Management but was when the results came I was not graded and I want to know why. Thank you

  6. I applied for transcript last year October 2018 and also September 2019 and as at now I have not heard from you.please help me get it .I need to get my teacher registered number.

  7. please I need your help I wrote the second semester year two but the results I expected came badly and still the wrote under that I have 4ics but I wrote all the exams both the quizzes and the semester exams please this is my number CD/DBE/17/2208

  8. My index number is DPF/AS/08/0005
    A student of code please my introduction to probability paper should be check again

  9. Good evening. please I’m Florence Kisseih a level 400 distance student of Ada shs study center. I have been trying to log onto the students portal but to no avail. I need help please

  10. My index number DBE/NR/02/16/0133 ,I wrote resit exam o n Introduction to Physical Education and the result do not appear.Iwent to Tamale Office and complained but the result still not reflected.Please help me out of this problem.Thank you.

  11. My name is Jacob Magnan Npoanden l wrote resit exam on Introduction to Physical Education and the do not show.l went and complain to the UCC Officers in Tamale but the result still not reflected .My course is DBE.

  12. Good evening, my name is GABRIEL KORMI AHIAYIBOR, I had applied for my transcript somewhere August this year but I’m yet to receive a call from the the University so I want to find out what was the problem. Thank you

  13. Hello, I am a level 100 student , only two of my results were release ,which I was refer but the three that I was not refer during the first semester was not release, please , I want the management of education to solve this problem. Also the coordinator said , may be I was owning the school, means while the school was owning me .pls help solve the problem. Offering DSE. Thanks.

  14. good evening please I have forgotten my password so I just visited the reset portal and I was given a new password to use but anytime I enter it all they tell me is that its invalid. please what should I do. please I need it urgently. thanks

  15. My index number is 1101006150033 ,please officers I sat for IC last year but my maths 3(DBE) result is not appearing. I have applied for detail result but same reflections. Please I need help, thank you

  16. Good morning please, My name is Afram Bernice in level 300 now, a distance student at WASS (ADENTA -ACCRA) campus, I have not gotten my Student ID since level 100, please I want to know when am getting it because I came to cape Coast to make enquires and they told me maybe my picture is not on the system so they made me took a passport picture with my registration number attached to it but still not gotten my ID, please help me out. Thank You.

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