UCC e-Learning Platform – elearning.ucc.edu.gh

You can now download the University of Cape Coast (UCC) e-learning platform manual for easy access to the e-learning platform.

The management of the University of Cape Coast (UCC) has opened the e-learning platform to enable lectures to upload course materials and enable students to access them for continuing academic work.

This E-learning manual is to help lecturers of the University of Cape Coast in uploading their courses and course materials (ie. course outlines, lecture notes/powerpoint presentations, recommended reading books/journals, videos, forums) on the E-learning platform to enable students access them for continuing academic work. A series of short video tutorials will be made available in the coming days to further help our lecturers in uploading their courses.

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Accessing the eLearning Website

1. Go to: https://elearning.ucc.edu.gh/
2. Click login

You must already have an account created to be able to log-in. Please contact the E-Learning and Knowledge Management Section of the DICTS if you do not have a username and password.

You can also contact the following people for account issues: Mr. Enoch Apori Ansah:
enoch.apori@ucc.edu.gh; Mr. Frank Akrasi Antwi: fantwi@ucc.edu.gh; Mr. Eric Terkpertey:

The E-Learning Homepage

1. Enter your username and password
2. Click on Login after entering your username and password

Resetting Your Lost Password

1. Click on Forgotten your username or password?
2. Enter your username or your email address that is associated with your account.
3. Click on search after entering your username or password.
NB: Enter only username or only email address at a time

To access other fetaures of the platform download the manual using the link below.

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