
MUCG Long Vacation Re-sit Examination Date 2018

The Methodist University College Ghana, MUCG Long Vacation Re-sit Examination Date 2018 has been released.


MUCG Long Vacation Re-sit Examination Date

Upon appeals from students who missed the first Long Vacation Re-sit Examinations held in March, 2018, the management of MUCG has decided to grant such students a second chance to redeem the courses they are trailing. To this end the following arrangements have been put in place for the conduct of the re-sit examinations:

RECOMMENDED: MUCG Academic Calendar 2018/2019.


MUCG Long Vacation Re-sit Examination Date 2018

i. Registration: July 16th – 24th, 2018
ii. Revision:/Tutorial (one): July 25th – August 5th, 2018
iii. Examination: August 6th – 17th, 2018

Students should note the following:

i. Students who registered and wrote for the first re-sit examinations cannot take part in the second one. Any student who violates this directive does so at his/her own peril.
ii. No students will be registered for the re-sit examinations after July 24th, 2018.
iii. Students are advised to list their courses for re-sit and leave them at Coordinator’s Office (Centre for Continuing Education) before they register so that the lecturers concerned can be contacted earlier.


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