
McCain Institute Next Generation Leaders Program 2020

The Next Generation Leaders program offers up to 20 emerging global leaders one year of targeted professional and personal development—with a core focus on values, ethics and leadership—in order to create a capable and lasting global network of character-driven leaders who shape the world we will inhabit in the future.



McCain Institute Next Generation Leaders Program

The McCain Institute’s flagship ‘Next Generation Leaders’ (NGL) program is designed to identify, train, network and empower a diverse group of emerging, character-driven leaders from the United States and around the world.

The program is year-long and begins in early September and runs through the end of August of the following calendar year. Participants are expected to be in the United States for the entire program year and attend all four leadership development modules along with contributing at their placement organizations to gain the full NGL experience.


As the Institute links successive classes of leaders together, it creates a global network of advocates for common core values of security, economic opportunity, freedom and human dignity.

The program offers a unique blend of professional development, exposure to top-level policymakers and formal training in leadership. At four junctures throughout the year, the program provides hands-on training focused on values, ethics and leadership, media and communications skills, and best practice examples of American business, political and civic life.

A key aspect of the program is each NGL’s preparation of an individual Leadership Action Plan. Aimed at defining the tangible steps and actions the NGLs will take to bring about positive change in their home societies, the Leadership Action Plan becomes the central project of the NGL’s development year. Each NGL will take this plan home for implementation upon completion of the program. At four junctures throughout the year, the program provides training in values, ethics, leadership, along with media and communications skills and access to the best examples of American business, political, and civic leadership.

To be taken at (country): Following the initial training and coaching module in Washington, NGLs depart for their placements sites across the United States to professionally develop in areas relevant to their future goals while providing a broadening experience. For example, an international journalist may receive placement in a major American newspaper city desk, a national government executive in a mayor’s office or a political activist in a community-based organization. All placement sites are chosen by The McCain Institute.

McCain Institute Next Generation Leaders Program Eligibility

  • The typical NGL is between 30 to 45 years old, mid-career professional with at least 10 years of professional experience and a high-degree of professional, academic and work achievements;
  • Fluent in English and able to read and understand complex texts in English, give oral presentations in front of small and large audiences, build a professional network, and create personal relationships with colleagues;
  • Must demonstrate commitment to highest level of ethical leadership, provide decisive recommendations that substantiate their leadership qualities, making a commitment to return to their home environment at the end of the program year;
  • To determine if you are a competitive candidate for the NGL Program, please review the biographies of previous Leaders on the program webpage (link below)

Value of Program 

  • The McCain Institute provides each NGL a stipend that covers all standard living costs for a year. Each participant receives the stipend amount monthly, covering expenses such as rent, utilities, food and any other regular costs;
  • The stipend amount varies depending on the cost of living in the participant’s placement city. Added to the stipend is travel allowance that NGLs may use for professional travel in support of their LAP’s during the program year;
  • The overall stipend is separate from the program related cost, such as travel to and from leadership training modules, module lodgings, and per diem for the duration of program modules are covered by The McCain Institute separately;
  • Per visa regulations The McCain Institute also covers health insurance and workers comp.
  • Following the initial training and coaching module in Washington, NGLs depart for their placements sites across the United States to professionally develop in areas relevant to their future goals while providing a broadening experience. All placement sites are chosen by The McCain Institute.

How to Apply for McCain Institute Next Generation Leaders Program

  • You may apply via this link.
  • You may nominate via this link

It is important to go through the FAQs for further information before applying.

For more information, visit the McCain Institute Next Generation Leaders Program.

Application Deadline: 7th February 2020


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