Learning Equality Kolibri Hardware Grant Program 2018

The Kolibri Hardware Grants Program is open for applications. With a commitment to reaching learners in connectivity-scarce environments, Learning Equality is bringing its open source platform, Kolibri, to learners who are otherwise unable to access high quality educational content.

Learning Equality Kolibri Hardware Grant Program

Supported by funding from Google.org, the “Kolibri Hardware Grants Program” provides organizations with a grant of approximately $15,000 USD for the purchase of necessary hardware to implement Kolibri in formal schools, educational facilities, and non-formal learning settings to reach both school-aged and adult learners.

Their goal is to learn more about the many ways that Kolibri can be used to bring education to learners around the world who need it most. Grantees will receive personalized support to test and pilot Kolibri in their programs in addition to the hardware, which may also be used for other programming needs.

They will work closely with their grantees to ensure that they are supported in using Kolibri to address the needs of their community. They invite your organization to join them in changing lives through the power of education. Please apply at your earliest convenience.

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Learning Equality Kolibri Hardware Grant Program

Organizations will be provided with approximately $15,000 USD.

The grant covers funding to purchase pre-approved hardware devices and relevant accessories to implement Kolibri. This must include the purchase of client devices to run Kolibri.

Learning Equality Kolibri Hardware Grant Program Eligibility

  • Users with unique user types and hardware configurations in their context are encouraged to apply.
  • All mission-driven organizations with a focus on improving education and learning outcomes are eligible to apply. This includes grassroots nonprofit organizations, international nonprofits, foundations or CSR arms of private sector companies. There are some specific parameters which include organizations:
    • With 6 months or more of educational programming experience, and that can demonstrate a plan for sustainability.
    • That have not yet received a Kolibri Hardware Grant from Learning Equality
    • Able and legally permitted to receive the transfer of funds in USD for the purchase of hardware

While there is no size limitation for an applicant organization, they will be requested to indicate the potential for scale of the project.

Key grantee qualifications:

  • Excitement about Kolibri and a keen understanding of how Kolibri and its various features can be used to supplement or enhance existing programming
  • A proposed program with an implementation start date around January 2019 (with some flexibility, but no earlier than October 2018).
  • Program Manager to successfully implement Kolibri and report regularly to Learning Equality on learner usage and progress (must be fluent in English).
  • Existing technical capacity or experience on the applicant team to be able to independently install software, and configure and maintain hardware
  • Unique hardware configurations (client device required) and implementation models
  • Ability to source, purchase and implement hardware in programs
  • Demonstrated evidence of previous impact or success by organization with educational programs
  • Ability to provide clear documentation of current processes and methods for monitoring and evaluating changes in learning outcomes and use of technology
  • Consideration given to sustainability and scale of the program beyond the grant period
  • Previous use of KA Lite (not required)

How to Apply for Learning Equality Kolibri Hardware Grant Program

The application has two components:

  • an organization profile to be filled out and
  • application questions in a separate attachment, to be uploaded when filling out the organization profile.

Please complete the application by Monday, August 6 11:59pm PDT. Applications should be submitted as an attachment in the application portal.

Questions? Please please refer to the FAQs here or contact grants@learningequality.org.

Click here to apply.

For more information, visit Kolibri Hardware Grants.

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