
HRODD Holds Orientation for UG 2019 National Service Persons

The Human Resource and Organisational Development Directorate (HRODD) has held an orientation session for the University of Ghana’s 2019 National Service Persons.


Speaking on behalf of the Director of HRODD, Mr. Papa Kwadwo Twumasi, Senior Assistant Registrar at the Directorate, welcomed the National Service Persons to the University of Ghana and encouraged them to be of good conduct while inspiring them to work diligently.

Mr. Emmanuel Baidoo, College Secretary, College of Basic and Applied Sciences, gave a presentation on “Understanding the University’s Administrative Set-up” in which he outlined the vision, mission and core values of the University.

Prof. Robert Ebo Hinson, Head, Department of Marketing and Entrepreneurship, spoke on the topic ‘Living the University of Ghana Brand Through Enhanced Customer Service’. He urged the service personnel to promote an enabling environment for both internal and external customers. He further encouraged them to assume full responsibility of any assigned roles at their respective units or departments.


During Prof. Hinson’s presentation, he outlined administrative tit-bits such as dressing and punctuality at work, adding that honesty, humility and hard work were attributes that each person should strive to have.  According to Prof. Hinson, good communication skills, confidentiality, teamwork, computer literacy, organisational skills and time management were skills every service personnel should inculcate. He concluded by urging them to serve the university diligently.

Mrs. Emelia Nartey, Senior Assistant Registrar, HRODD, in her closing remarks thanked the Service Persons for participating in the orientation and wished them a successful stay in the University.

This year, almost one thousand persons were posted to the University of Ghana to undertake their national service. They have been assigned to both the teaching, research and administrative units of the University.

We wish them all the best as they undertake this important assignment as part of their civic obligations.


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