
Global South Climate Scholarships for Youth 2018

Do you want to attend UNFCCC? Are you under the age of 35? Are you from global south? Apply for the Global South Climate Scholarships for Youth 2018 for fully-funded participation and capacity building of youth from developing countries to COP24 – the annual UN Climate Change negotiations, and COY14 (14th Conference of Youth)– in December 2018, Poland.


The future of international climate change policy will be determined at Katowice, Poland. The perspectives of young people from developing countries and vulnerable communities need to be institutionally inform and input into the negotiation process of the Paris Agreement Rulebook.

The Global South Climate Scholarships for Youth 2018 – intends to bring more young people from developing countries to feed into COP24 and COY14 and open doors of United Nations for such youth. Solutions needs to be developed – collectively. The invite you to join them on this venture – together towards the common goal of sustainability.



What is COP24 and youth engagement in the process?

In December 2018, the world governments will come together for the annual United Nations Climate Change negotiations (24th Conference of Parties to UNFCCC) to develop the framework for implementation of Paris Agreement and enhance climate action.

Scholarship Benefits

Are you interested to apply for this Scholarship? A total of about 16 youth will be funded via these Scholarships.

  • Have all your expenses covered for participating at the 24rd UNFCCC Conference of Parties (COP24) and the 14th Conference of Youth 14 (COY14)
    The funding benefits cover the following:

    • Costs for all international and domestic flight tickets
    • Costs incurred during the visa application process
    • Costs of accommodation for about 18 days (from 28 November 2018 to 15 December 2018 – the duration comprising COY14 and COP24) in Katowice, Poland
    • Costs of food for the entire duration, travel insurance, local transport and any other reasonable expenditure during the the stay in Poland.
  • Capacity-building programme
  • Raise Your Voice
  • Get Engaged In YOUNGO
  • Lifetime Memories

Global South Climate Scholarships Eligibility

To be eligible for Global South Climate Scholarships for youth, you, as an applicant, must ensure that:

  •  You are under 35 years of age on 31 October 2018
  • If selected, you will be available to join the 14th Conference of Youth (COY14) and the 24th Conference of Parties of UNFCCC (COP24) in Katowice, Poland for the full duration (from about 27 November 2018 to 15 December 2018) and shall also engage proactively in the preparation phase leading to activities in Katowice.
  • You are a citizen/national of one of the countries/territories from the “Global South”
    • – Sub-Saharan Africa, North Africa, Asia, Middle East, Pacific.

How to Apply for Global South Climate Scholarships

Click here to apply.

For more information, visit GSCSY.


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