
Ghana Stock Exchange Course Fees 2022

Ghana Stock Exchange Course Fees Structure has been released for 2022

Ghana Stock Exchange Course Fees

The management of the Ghana Stock Exchange (GSE) has published the GSE Course Fees structure, below has the full fees details.

See Also: Ghana Stock Exchange Registration & Payments Instructions.



Ghana Stock Exchange Course Fees


Level 101 – Introduction to Investment

A basic survey for persons with little or no prior background on the financial markets, including potential investors, students etc. The topics include the following:

  • The concept Reward of Capital and Financial Markets
  • Risks and Rewards of Investing
  • How and Why Securities Prices Change
  • Valuing Securities

Duration: 4 days
Fees: GH¢ 190.00


Level 201 – Fundamentals of Finance and Financial Markets

This course introduces participants to fundamentals of Finance and Financial Markets and covers Accounting, Economics, Securities Laws, etc. It will be terminal for most non-professional students, but for aspiring professionals in the industry, it serves as the foundation and a prerequisite for furthur courses in preparation for licensing and / or advanced responsibilities. Topics include the following:

  • Economics – Introduction
  • Quantitative Methods
  • Understanding Financial Statements
  • Financial Markets
  • Corporate Finance- Introduction
  • Share Valuation Models
  • Introduction to Derivatives
  • Regulation of Securities Markets

Duration: 10days
Fees: GH¢ 480.00
Exams Fees: GH¢ 120.00


Level 301/2 – Securities Trading and Investment Advisory Techniques

A specialized course for those who will be acting as and seeking Licensing as ADOs as well as Professionals seeking Licensing as registered representatives or investment advisors. Topics include the following:

  • The Ghana Stock Exchange Structure
  • Roles and Responsibilities of Licensed Dealing Members (LDMs) and Authorized Dealing Officers (ADOs)
  • Trading Procedures
  • Reporting and Record Keeping
  • Clearing and Settlement
  • Listing Application Process
  • Investment Advice / Servicing Client Account
  • Determining the Client Needs and Objectives
  • Identifying Appropriate Investment Vehicles
  • Salesmanship and Building your Business

Duration: 7 days
Fees: GH¢ 600.00
Fees: GH¢ 120.00

Level 303 – Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management/Introduction to Derivatives

A specialized course for research analysts, financial Service professionals and other interested individuals. Areas of study include the following:

  • Overview of Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management
  • Fixed Income Analysis and Portfolio Strategies
  • Risk-Return and Portfolio Formation
  • Valuation of Equity Securities
  • Analyzing Equities
  • Performance Evaluation
  • Introduction to Derivatives: spot market, forwards, futures, options and swaps

Duration: 10 days
Fees: GH¢ 710.00
Exam Fees: GH¢120.00

Level 304 – Corporate Finance

A specialized course for those performing investment banking activities for brokerage firms, Chief financial officers and other senior personnel of potential corporate issuers. Areas of study include the following:

  • An overview of corporate finance
  • Financial Analysis
  • Valuation, Rate and Return e.g The cost of capital
  • Capital budgeting and the Net Present Value rule
  • Capital structure and long-term financing decisions
  • Dividend Policy
  • Mergers and Acquisitions
  • How Companies Raise Capital

Duration: 10 days
Fees: GH¢710.00
Exams Fees: GH¢120.00


Level 401 – Legal & Regulatory Framework and Supervision

This course is relevant and essential for ADOs and other Senior Personnel of Stock Brokerage Firms. Directors and Managers of Banks, Financial Institutions, as well as Firms listed on the Exchange, will find the course informative and useful.

Topics include:

  • An overview of Securities Regulation
  • The Structure of the Regulatory Systems in Ghana
  • The Ghana Stock Exchange as Self-Regulatory Organization
  • Regulation of Collective Investment Schemes

Duration: 3 Days
Fees: GH¢ 380.00
Exams Fees: GH¢ 120.00


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