
E-Learning Platform for SHS Students –

E-Learning Platform for SHS Students – | The online learning platform for senior high school (SHS) students is open for students to study and learn online.


The platform gives students the opportunity to access all core subjects and selected electives, access to video lessons and lesson notes, access to virtual labs and simulations (in some instances) and access to online test after every lesson.


How to access the Online Study Platform for SHS Students in Ghana

To access the platform


1. Visit

2. Enter your BECE index number as your username.

Note: For SHS 3 students, add 17 to the index number E.g. 309074025 then 17 to read 30907402517

3. Enter ghana@12345 as your default password and click on log in.

4. You will be required to change the default password before you can continue using the platform.

5. Click on View all courses to see the subjects available. Click on any of the courses available and enrol.

The iCampusGH platform seems to still be a work in progress.

How to change your iCampusGH account password

Once you log in, follow the following procedure to change your iCampusGH password:

  1. On the login, interface enter your BECE index number as username and ghana@12345 as the default password.
  2. Click on the login button
  3. You will be greeted with a new interface that prompts you to change your password. Create a new password by entering the default password in the current password field
  4. Then type your new password in the new password field.
  5. Repeat your new password in the new password field (again)
  6. Click on the Save changes button.
  7. Your password is not changed and you can access the platform.

Benefits of the iCampusGH platform

1. Access to all core subjects and selected electives.
2. Access to video lessons and lessons notes.
3. Access to virtual labs and simulations (in some instances)
4. Access to online Test after every lesson.


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  1. please i don’t get access to my elective subject, what should i do to get access to it

  2. Please my elective subjects are not there oooo. Please what do i do? Can you please help me out?

  3. Please why are my elective subjects not coming when i log in to I offer general arts. I have tried so many times but to no avail but other elective subjects like ICT and Physics rather appear on my laptop.I am in shs one. Can you please help me out?

  4. Hello l have tried several time but can’t login l always received massage saying that my index number are invalid. Please help me to login

  5. I once logged in but I have tried logging in for the past weeks I they tell me wrong login
    I creating an app will be better than the site

  6. Please when I type my new password it doesn’t provide me with any interface to write my new password and confirm so help me

  7. Please I have tried for about 50 times but i’m still unable to access it.when I type my new password it rather searches and don’t give me any result so please help me

  8. Please help me to access this site because i have tried using my index number ending with 18 and the default password but still

  9. I am Abigail osei Bonsu I can’t sign up when I try to sign in the message is that invalid email and password please help me to sign in

  10. Hi, I think you guys should try ‘’ instead of ‘icampusgh’. I also couldn’t open the page but everything is alright now. I hope it works for you too. Bless up.

  11. Atangongo Gloria Nyaamah is my name,
    They told me that they will send me a message through my email but nothing has shown up.

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