
Courses to Consider after Your B. Pharm Degree [Alternate Courses]

Are you about to graduate from pharmacy school? Confused about alternate courses and careers after B. Pharmacy degree? Well, you aren’t alone in this. There are so many people in your position who are equally confused about programs to enrol after obtaining their B. Pharmacy degree.


While most pharmacy graduates start practising in pharmacist immediately, others choose to specialize in a particular field. Others find opportunities in academia, pharmaceutical companies and with regulatory bodies.

The field of pharmacy is very diverse and it’s crucial to choose the right specialization for a fulfilling career.

If you are one of those who are looking for courses after B.Pharm, then you’re at the right place. In this post, you’ll learn the best alternate courses you can choose from after your pharmacy degree.



Courses to Consider After B.Pharm Degree

Below are some courses to consider if you intend to specialize or further your studies after your B.Pharm degree.

  • M.Pharm in Pharmaceutics
  • M.Pharm in Pharmaceutical Technology
  • M.Pharm in Quality Assurance
  • M.Pharm in Regulatory Affairs
  • M.Pharm in Pharmaceutical Chemistry
  • M.Pharm in Pharmacognosy
  • M.Pharm in Pharmacology
  • M.Pharm in Pharmacy Practice
  • M.Pharm in Industrial Pharmacy
  • M.Pharm in Pharmaceutical Biotechnology
  • M.Pharm in Pharmaceutical Analysis
  • MSc. Toxicology
  • Masters of Public Health (MPH)
  • MBA

Career Opportunities after B. Pharm

1. Community Pharmacist

You can choose to become a community pharmacist after your B. Pharm degree. However, you’ll need training and registration to work as a community pharmacist. As a community pharmacist, you’re responsible for dispensing and distributing medicine. You’ll work to legal and ethical guidelines to ensure the correct and safe supply of medical products to the general public.

2. Hospital Pharmacist

Most pharmacy graduates also find opportunities in the hospital as a pharmacist. Hospital pharmacists are responsible for the purchase and supply of medicines used in hospitals

As a hospital pharmacist, you’ll be an expert in the field of medicines, understanding how they are used and what their effects are on the human body. As well as dispensing prescriptions, you’ll be involved in the purchasing and quality testing of medicines. You may also manufacture medicines, as in some cases treatments need to be tailor-made for individual patients.

3. Clinical Research Associate

As a pharmacy graduate, you can also practice in the growing field of clinical drug research as a clinical research associate (CRA). A CRA is involved in clinical trials to test drugs for their effectiveness, risks and benefits to ensure that they’re safe to allow on to the market.

You’ll work on new and existing drugs and will usually be employed by either a pharmaceutical company or a contract research organisation (CRO), which works on behalf of pharmaceutical companies.

4. Lecturer

Pharmacy graduates can also proceed to become lecturers in higher institutions. As a lecturer, you’ll need expertise in your subject area in order to teach students. Teaching methods include lectures, seminars, tutorials, practical demonstrations, fieldwork and e-learning. Multimedia technologies are becoming increasingly used.

Furthermore, you’ll need postgraduate studies to qualify as a lecturer in most higher institutions.

5. Pharmacologist

Pharmacy graduates often further into the field of pharmacology. Pharmacologist understand how medicines and other drugs work and how they’re processed by the body so they can be used effectively and safely

As a pharmacologist, you’ll investigate how drugs interact with biological systems. You may carry out in vitro research (using cells or animal tissues) or in vivo research (using whole animals) to predict what effect certain drugs might have on humans.

6. Quality Control

As a pharmacy graduate, you can work as a quality control officer in government or a private institution. As a quality control officer, you’ll have to develop, apply, revise, and maintain quality standards for processing materials into partially finished or finished products.

You’ll also help in designing and implementing methods and procedures for inspecting, testing, and evaluating the precision and accuracy of products and prepares documentation for inspection testing procedures.

7. Science Writer

Pharmacy graduates who don’t want to practice can also venture to become science writers. As a science writer you’ll research, write and edit scientific news, articles and features, for business, trade and professional publications, specialist scientific and technical journals, and the general media.

8. Toxicologist

There are so many pharmacy graduates in the field of toxicology today. As a toxicologist, you’ll identify, monitor and evaluate the impact of toxic materials, chemicals, potential new medicines and radiation on the environment and human and animal health.

9. Pharmaceutical Marketing

B. Pharm graduates can also find opportunity in marketing. You’ll serve as a link between medical and pharmaceutical companies and healthcare professionals.


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