
List of Courses Offered in Ghana Colleges of Education

This is the comprehensive and official list of Courses Offered in Ghana Colleges of Education.


Courses Offered in Ghana Colleges of Education

The National Teaching Council and Conference of Principals of the various Colleges of Education has outlined the various Programs to be studied under the New Teacher Education Reform Policy.

The Policy has made it clear that Bachelor Degree will be the least requirement for teaching at the Basic Level of Education.


Programmes Offered in Ghana Colleges of Education

Below are the available programmes of study :

B.Ed Early Childhood Development
B.Ed Technical/Vocational
B.Ed French
B.Ed Mathematics/Science
B.Ed Primary Education
B.Ed Agricultural Science
B.Ed English &Arabic
B.Ed English & Ghanaian Language
B.Ed French & English
B.Ed French &Ghanaian Language
B.Ed Geography & Histry
B.Ed Home Economics
B.Ed ICT & Science
B.Ed P.E & Science
B.Ed RME & History
B.Ed RME & Music
B.Ed Visual Arts
B.Ed ICT & Mathematics


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  1. Will i get admission to the college of education with these wassce grades:
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  2. Please I filled my forms on March 2020 but till now I haven’t received any messages that I hv been admitted into this college. Thank you

  3. Please after filling the forms online, I’ve not had an acknowledgement message
    And I don’t know what to do … please help me out

  4. What happens to those who first applied to B.Ed JHS. we did not see these courses. will it affect our admissions?

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