
Commonwealth Professional Fellowships 2021 for Developing Countries

In 2021/22, the CSC will be running a special Professional Fellowship programme promoting Girls’ Education as part of the UK government’s ambitious initiatives to get 40 million more girls in primary and secondary school in developing countries by 2025 and improve learning levels, so girls can achieve their full potential.



Commonwealth Professional Fellowships

Commonwealth Professional Fellowships are for mid-career professionals from low- and middle-income countries to spend a period of time at a UK Host organisation working in their sector for a programme of professional development.

Purpose: To provide professionals with the opportunity to enhance knowledge and skills in their given sector, and to have catalytic effects on their workplaces.


Commonwealth Professional Fellowships Eligibility

Mid-career professionals (with five years’ relevant work experience) working in development-related organisations in low and middle- income Commonwealth countries.

Value & Duration of Award:

Each fellowship provides:

  • Approved return airfare from the Fellow’s home country to the UK
  • Stipend (living allowance) payable monthly (or pro rata) for the duration of the award at the rate of ÂŁ1,704 per month, or ÂŁ2,115 per month for those at organisations in the London metropolitan area (at 2020/21 rate)
  • If a Fellow declares a disability, a full assessment of needs and eligibility for additional financial support will be offered by the CSC. See the CSC disability support statement for more information
  • Arrival allowance of up to ÂŁ22 (at 2020/21 rate), including an element for warm clothing
  • For the Girls’ Education programme a ÂŁ1,000 travel allowance to facilitate attendance at events
  • Reimbursement of the standard visa application fee
  • Flat rate contribution of ÂŁ800 to the costs of the Host organisation relating to the administration and support of the Fellow, setting up of appropriate meetings, any materials required, and incidental travel for the Fellow during the award (to be paid to the Host organisation on receipt of an invoice).
  • Fees can be agreed for costs associated with Fellows attending short courses/conferences as well as travel to visit other UK organisations where this forms an integral part of the Up to a maximum of ÂŁ3,000 can be agreed for awards of three months (to be paid to the Host organisation on receipt of an invoice)

Full justification must be given for the amount being claimed.

Host organisations should bear in mind the restrictions set out in our <guidance on claimable costs> (link will be added on Monday)

The Girls’ Education Fellowships are designed to:

  • Begin on 15th January 2022
  • Run for three months
  • Promote collaboration across host organisations with each host holding an engagement event for the full cohort of Fellows

How to Apply for Commonwealth Professional Fellowships

We welcome enquiries for organisations working in Girls’ Education that are interested in becoming Fellowship Hosts. More information and details of how to contact us about this programme are available through the links below.

  • Information for prospective Hosts.
  • Information for prospective Fellows.

Visit Award Webpage for Details

Application Deadline: Opening June/July 2021


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